Thursday, April 26, 2017
During the second week of April, Comboni Missionaries from the five communities in the North American Province met for their provincial assembly. The meeting was held in Cincinnati, Ohio at the provincial headquarters. During the week-long meeting, the Fathers worked on the Six-Year Plan for the province and discussed various activities and programs within the NAP. We had the privilege of hosting Fr. John Baptist Keraryo Opargiw during the assembly. He shared with the province the present situation of vocation and formation in our Institute. Fr. John Baptist was impressed with our plans for vocations. In Los Angeles, California our community has relaunched a youth ministry and vocation promotion program.

Fr. Jorge Ochoa has been hosting Bible studies, retreats, and various programs for the Catholic youth in the community. So far, this ministry has been very fruitful and the youth are eager to learn more and participate. Of course, it wasn't all work during the Assembly. There was much laughter and visiting during the week, as some of the confreres haven't seen each other in a long time. As Fr. John Baptist said it was a "celebration of communion and contectedness."

Intercultural Understanding

While in North America, Fr. John Baptist Keraryo Opargiw went with Fr. John Converset to a workshop on Intercultural Competencies on how to prepare/assist ministers from other countries and cultures to assist with ministry in the United States. The workshop was very enlightening.Fr. John Baptist said he found many useful points for improving the quality of the Institute's initial formation and ongoing formation programs. "It has also been an eye opener in order not to take things for granted but to be proactive and organize some structures to take care of the assessment of  the readiness of our candidates and confreres for a meaningful intercultural life-style and mission."

Fr. Daniele Moschetti.