Tuesday, May 8, 2018
The Meeting of the Brothers of the Italian Province took place in Pesaro from April 30 through May 3. Thirty brothers from the various communities of the province and from the Curia attended. The theme chosen for this 51st edition was “Looking at the Rule of Life – Comboni Brothers for today’s mission.” Fr. Renzo Piazza gave a reflection on the Brother in the Rule of Life, concentrating on the dimensions of consecration and community life. A group sharing on personal experiences followed. Bro. Luigino Salbego spoke on various historical elements on the life of brothers in the Institute, spending time on the most relevant moments with their lights and shadows.

The meeting offered a great opportunity of sharing for the Brothers who brought to it a great variety of missionary experiences. It was also a time to enhance our awareness of the current reality in this particular moment in the history of Europe. Bros. Hernán Romero, Patrick Lumami and Guerrino Baldo spoke of their recent experiences of mission: it was an enriching time for all. The youngest participant was the postulant Giacomo Brunelli, 28 years old, who is in his first year as postulant in Padua. Fr. Giovanni Munari, Provincial of Italy, presented the situation of the Italian province and the challenges it faces. He also celebrated the closing Eucharist.

Comboni Brothers in Pesaro.
Comboni Brothers in Pesaro.