Practical workshop for missionary animators of the Comboni Province of Spain


Friday, February 16, 2024
From 13th to 15th February, the mission animators of the Comboni Province of Spain met in the provincial house in Madrid to take part in a ‘practical workshop on missionary animation’. There were two main aims: to introduce some confreres, who have either recently returned to the province or have just been assigned to it, to this missionary service, which the province has always considered of primary importance, and to seek together new ways of distributing our two magazines, Mundo Negro and Aguiluchos, in the hope of being able to increase their circulation and the number of subscriptions.

Eight confreres took part in the workshop, from the communities of Palencia, Palas de Rei, Moncada and Madrid. Also present were Father Fernando González Galarza, Secretary General of the Mission, and Father Javier Alvarado, European Coordinator of Missionary Animation.

After analysing the figure of St Daniel Comboni as a ‘missionary animator in Europe’, Mr Jaime Álvarez Nistal, assistant administrator of Mundo Negro, gave an overview of the critical situation of our two magazines in terms of circulation and subscriptions. We then proceeded with an in-depth examination of the mechanisms and modes of action regarding ‘promotional campaigns’ for magazine subscriptions, participation in the various Book Fairs, and the knowledge and dissemination of our social networks.

Special attention has been given to our participation in ‘book fairs’ throughout Spain, which are proving to be valuable opportunities to present our products and make ourselves known. Last year we participated in nine of them, with very positive results.

We concluded the three-day missionary animation workshop by discussing and drawing up a programme for the sale of our products. The final evaluation of the meeting was positive, and we agreed to meet again in the future, looking forward to the next Missionary Animation Assembly to be held in Rome from 22nd to 26th April.

Fr. Jaume Calvera, mccj