Monday, December16, 2013
“Emma Chiolini, a Comboni Lay missionary (CLM), arrived in Brazil on 1st December. She has come for a period of three years. The community of Our Lady of Aparecida in Ipê Amarelo welcomes her. Welcome Emma!”, writes Maria de Lourdes. Emma is currently studying Portuguese.


On this day, 8 December, feast of the Immaculate Conception, Emma Chiolini, an Italian CLM from Bologna, was presented and received by the people of Ipê Amarelo. Taking advantage of the pastoral visit of the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Belo Horizonte, Mgr. Luiz Gonzaga Fechio, Bishop of our region, Emma spoke of the joy of participating in community life and walk with Jesus in this Brazilian land.

Now she is studying the language and spends time with the children here at the home of Mission Santa Terezinha of Ipê Amarelo to improve her Portuguese.
Welcome Emma!

Maria de Lourdes, CLM from Brazil