Saturday, January 13, 2018
Sudan Film Factory and the International Organization of Migrations (IOM) organized a workshop with some Sudanese and refugee young film makers to give voice to the dreams, fears and challenges of migrants in Sudan. The five films produced in the workshop presented the presence of migrants as an important asset that contributes to the progress of the country. These films were screened on the courtyard of the Secondary Section of Comboni College Khartoum (CCK).

Fr. Norberto Stonfer, Principal of the school, welcomed the hundreds of spectators that attended the event. Talal Afifi, president of Sudan Film Factory underlined the figure of Saint Daniel Comboni as a “man of God”, an emigrant like Abraham or Moses, who arrived in Sudan from Italy and contributed to the development of education in this country and the discovery of diversity as a wealth. One of the five short films told the story of one day at CCK Secondary School emphasizing through its beautiful images the enriching coexistence of Muslim and Christian, Sudanese, Eritreans, South Sudanese and Ethiopian students who pray, play and study together.

Another film, “Mandala”, presented the experience of the Choir of Comboni College of Science and Technology  where Sudanese, South Sudanese, Eritrean and Ethiopian students sing and, above all, grow together.

The event had the presence of the Secretary of IOM in Khartoum, Mr. Norberto Celestino, and several diplomats, journalists and members of the Sudanese Government.
Fr. Jorge Naranjo Alcaide.