Visit of Fr. Tesfaye Tadesse to the Comboni Circumscription of the NAP


Wednesday, May 8, 2019
The Superior General, Fr. Tesfaye Tadesse G., is on a visit of the North American Province on May 5-19 to preach the Annual Retreat to the confreres gathering in two groups. The first, in California, covers Covina, Sacred Heart, and Holy Cross in Los Angeles, held on May 6-11. The second group will include the communities of Kitchener in Canada, Chicago, Newark and Cincinnati, will be held on May 13-18. In the picture: Fr. Tesfaye in the community of Holy Cross, a parish that next year will celebrate 50 years of Comboni presence.

We ask for prayers that the Holy Spirit may help the members of the NAP to read the signs of the times in the climate of resurrection!