Comboni Missionaries: “We await the results of the investigation with vigilant confidence” on the aggressions of Mgr. Carlassare


Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Regarding the information that is appearing in various press organs about the aggression suffered by Mgr. Christian Carlassare, its causes and its principals, the General Council of the Comboni Missionaries is grateful and confident in the work that the police bodies and other competent authorities are carrying out.

It is significant in this regard that the highest civil authority in the Country has ruled in the hope that the investigations will continue swiftly, in depth and impartial. Although painful, ascertained truth is always a starting point for the healing of wounds by those who have suffered them as well as by those who inflicted them. We await the results of the investigation with vigilant confidence.

We are grateful to God that the injuries sustained by Mgr. Carlassare do not endanger his life. We are particularly grateful to him for showing us with what feelings to live, as Christians and as missionaries, what happened: mercy towards the guilty solidarity with simple and kind-hearted people, who represent the majority of the population in Rumbek as elsewhere, victims every day, in the silence and away from the spotlight of the mass media, of a climate of violence and intimidation that has become too usual in the relations between the different expressions of South Sudanese society and, unfortunately, beyond.
Comboni Missionaries