Wednesday, December 13, 2023
On 7th December 2023, Father Xavier Paollilo, a Comboni missionary, known in Brazil as ‘Father Xavier’, received the ‘José Gomes da Silva’ Medal for Human Rights, granted by the Brazilian Bar Association, Paraíba section (in the Portuguese acronym, OAB-PB), in recognition of his commitment and action in the promotion and defence of the human rights of children and adolescents.

For decades, Father Xavier has dedicated himself to missionary work in the promotion and defence of human rights, especially of children and adolescents, as well as to the ministry of prison pastoral care. Father Xavier dedicates this appreciation to his entire team of the ‘Dom Óscar Romero’ Centre for Human Rights (CEDHOR) and the Pastoral Care of Minors (PAMEN) of the Archdiocese of Paraíba, where he is offering his missionary service.

On 10th December 2023, the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was celebrated. The protection of human rights is today a more critical and urgent need than many can imagine. And the Comboni missionaries, following the example of St Daniel Comboni, are committed to the promotion and defence of individual and collective rights.

The Comboni Missionaries’ Province of Brazil is delighted with this tribute and congratulates Father Xavier Paolillo on this achievement and on his long commitment to the defence of life and rights. Congratulations!