Sunday, May 20, 2018
The Delegates responsible for Mission Promotion (MP) of APDESAM (Assembly of the Provinces and Delegations of the English Speaking Africa and Mozambique) came together in an Assembly in Addis Ababa from 15 to 18 Mat 2018.

The provincial of Ethiopia opened the Assembly with the presentation of the Province: personnel situation, priorities and difficulties related to the redevelopment of commitments. Fr. Juan Nuñez offered an overview of the history and the ecclesial and religious situation in general and the socio-political context of the Country. In the afternoon, a Catholic priest from Ethiopia, Fr. Petros Berga, mapped the situation of the Ethiopian Catholic Church underlining the need that it regains its missionary zeal, especially for the young people, given that 50% of the population is below 20 years of age.

On the morning of the 16th, Fr Mariano Tibaldo, Secretary General for the Mission, addressed the themes on the perspectives of Mission Promotion in the Institute, while the provincial of Kenya, Fr. Austine Odhiambo, the provincial contact person of the APDESAM for Mission Promotion, presented the conclusions of the Cairo Assembly and the Mission Promotion Charter. The day of the 17th was dedicated to the situation of the media. The multimedia centres are a very important presence in the APDESAM, with the New People (Kenya), Leadership (Uganda) and World Wide (South Africa) magazines.

Finally, in the first part of the last day some issues related to MA were shared, while the second part of the day saw the participants engaged in revisiting and revising the sections of the Rule of Life related to Mission Promotion.