Course on economy and accounting for Comboni scholastics and brothers in Nairobi


Monday, May 20, 2024
From 14th to 18th May 2024, the International Scholasticate and the International Brothers’ Centre in Nairobi had a short training course on economics led by Father Angelo Giorgetti, General Bursar of the Institute, and Father Maciej Zielinski Mikolaj, Bursar and Procurator of the Province of Kenya.

The short course, whose theme was ‘Taking Care of Creation – Stewardship and Accountability’, aimed to bring to awareness the various dreams and guidelines of the 19th General Chapter that aim at the sustainability of our communities.

Fr. Angelo Giorgetti and Fr. Maciej Zielinski Mikolaj (standing).

The course, whose theme was ‘Care for Creation: Formation’, was aimed at bringing to awareness the various ‘dreams’ and ‘guidelines’ of the 19th General Chapter, with a view to the sustainability of our communities. The mornings were devoted to the study of topics such as Chapter Acts, project drafting, the Code of Conduct on financial abuse, the Total Common Fund, and some accounting principles. In the afternoons, we practised using the various functions of Microsoft Excel to manage our accounts.

In his Power-Point presentations, Father Angelo emphasised the role each confrere has in promoting the sustainability of our communities and the Institute. He then challenged each of us to consider community assets as ‘ours’ and to be ready to take responsibility for them. He also helped us to understand that the Total Common Fund is not just about money, but also about the small things that can be done for the wellbeing of the community.

Father Maciej then presented the Province of Kenya as a good example of how the Total Common Fund is contributing to the sustainability of communities in Kenya.

At the end of the 5 days of training, the Scholastics and Brothers said they appreciated the input offered and suggested that the short course should not be reduced to a sporadic thing, but become an annual programme and be extended to the whole Institute, so that we can work together for the sustainability of our Communities and Provinces.

Scholastic Winfred Etse Dzikunu