Rome, Monday, July 11, 2011
The Comboni missionaries in charge of ongoing formation at the European level met in Rome, Italy, on June 27-30 to reflect together on some topics concerning this important sector of the life and the future of the Institute, in accordance with the directives of the last General Chapter of the Comboni Missionaries held in 2009.

The participants at the meeting of the Comboni missionaries in charge of ongoing formation at the European level held in Rome on June 27-30 were: Fr. Martin Devenish (Provincial coordinator of the London Province), Fr. Anthony Kibira (representative of the DSP), Fr. Angel Lafita (E), Fr. Ottavio Raimondo (I), Fr. Benito De Marchi (LP), Fr. Carlo Alberto Nuñes (P), Frs. Danilo Cimitan, Siro Stocchetti and Manuel Joao P. Correira (Central Commission of OF).

After a half a day of introduction given to taking stock of the situation in the various provinces, in line with the General Chapter the program envisioned a reflection and an exchange of views on two main topics: Comboni spirituality and community animation. Concretely, we tried together to examine more deeply some of the tools proposed by the General Chapter in order to strengthen and to make more significant our missionary spirituality and to foster a more fraternal and enthusiastic community life.

The superior general, Fr. Enrique Sánchez, shared with us that the general council looks with some preoccupation at the ongoing formation in the life of the confreres, which is often disregarded.

How can we trigger interest for one’s ongoing formation? He invited us to continue in our service as animators of the community of our confreres, starting exactly from the need for a strong spirituality and from commitment to the poorest.

In the final evaluation, everyone expressed satisfaction both with the contents and with the rich and lively exchange of life experiences and ideas. A good occasion of OF for all! One of the participants exclaimed: “Here I run the risk of being converted!” and again: “a new panorama has appeared at my window!”

Some of the participants wished for a closer missionary twist in dealing with the topics. “The Comboni Missionary – just like Jesus, in fact – truly finds himself in mission!”

In conclusion, the participants left quite enthused and optimistic with regard to their delicate and not so easy role as animators of the spiritual and fraternal life of the confreres. They hope that there may be more frequent meetings and a closer cooperation between provinces and with the central commission of ongoing formation.

I responsabili comboniani della formazione permanente a livello europeo