Rome, Thursday, February 7, 2013
The Comboni Missionary Fr. Angelo Compri, 84 years old, died in the hospital of São Mateus, Brazil, due to cardiac infarction, in the afternoon of February 4. After the funeral vigil held the next morning, the funeral Mass was celebrated in the St. Daniel Comboni church of Guriri. Immediately following the coffin was taken to the parish church of St. Anthony, where a second Mass was celebrated in the presence of many confreres and friends of “P. Angelone”, as his parishioners and confreres used to call him. After the celebration, the body was taken to the cemetery of Nova Venécia where the Comboni Missionaries have a reserved plot. “Today we have given a moving goodbye to our friend Fr. Angelo who has left us, but who continues to live in our hearts,” said his young confrere, Fr. Luís Filipe da Costa Dias.

Fr. Angelo Compri was born in Buttapietra, Diocese of Verona, Italy, and was ordained a priest in 1958. After spending some years in Italy, in 1962 he left for Brazil, where he remained for 51 years working as a missionary. “He was born in Italy, but died a Brazilian,” said Fr. Wellington Alves.

We quote here some of the first reactions of his confreres and friends.

“We are united with you, with the family and with all those who have known him and appreciated him, that the Lord may welcome him and that we may treasure his witness. A prayer of communion and solidarity,” from Fr. Claudio Bombieri, provincial superior of Brazil Nordeste.

“With sorrow and faith we come to know about the death of a generous and valiant companion in mission, Fr. Angelo. He will remain in the mind and heart of all those who knew and loved him, he will remain in our heart,” from Fr. Carlo Naldi, of the community of San José do Rio Preto.

“May our Fr. Angelo enjoy his eternal rest: he was a man who dedicated his entire life to the missionary service in Brazil, particularly in the diocese of São Mateus,” says Fr. Francisco de Assis Colombi, a Brazilian in Mozambique.

“It is an event which always comes unexpectedly. We remain united in prayer and thanksgiving for all that he has done in the province and in the diocese of São Mateus. We know for a fact that this our generation is passing. Let us not look for human gratitude, knowing that God, who sent us to the missions, now rewards us by accepting us into His Kingdom. The continuation of the same mission is now in the hands of the Brazilians,” thus wrote Fr. Pietro Bracelli, from Rebbio, Italy.

“I wish to be present to all of you who have been more closely touched by the death of Fr. Angelo Compri: the confreres of Brazil South, the provincial, the communities of Guriri and St. Anthony and other communities and confreres. I know that you have already buried our friend in the cemetery of Nova Venécia, next to the other Comboni Missionaries such as Fr. Laera, Fr. Bartesaghi,… Today I celebrated Mass for the eternal reward of Fr. Angelo, for the entire province and for the communities where he worked. He used to love to tell – and never grew tired of it – about facts, people, successes and difficulties! In all the appointments to which he was assigned, he acted as a great educator of consciences: vocation promoter, educator of future priests, pastor (following in particular the pastoral agents). The Comboni Province of BS and the Church of São Mateus will need to be grateful for his witness and for his rich pastoral experience,” thus wrote Fr. Primo Silvestri, from Arco, Italy.

After the Mass in the presence of many Comboni Missionaries and friends
of “P. Angelone”, as his parishioners and his confreres used to call him,
the body was taken to the cemetery of Nova Venécia,
where the Comboni Missionaries have a reserved plot.