Thursday, November 13, 2014
The Ongoing Formation meeting of the young confreres, with a maximum of five years of ordination, was held in Doba (Chad), 17 to 19 October, 2014. There were seven of them: Fr. Sébastien Chmiel, Fr. Donald Magoma Maripe, Fr. José Alberto Intuela Sagras, Fr. Olivier Bachulu, Fr. Alfred P. Mbaïdjidé, Fr. Philip Ivardi Ganapini and the scholastic Bernard. The meeting was positively evaluated by the participants and will be repeated next year, taking into account the observations made.

The two main themes of the meeting were spiritual life and pastoral work. The first was led by Fr. Enrique Rosich and the second by Fr. John Ikundu. Also present were Fr. Fermo Bernasconi, a member of the Central Commission for Ongoing Formation, Fr. Pietro Ciuciulla, delegation superior, and Fr. Fidèle Katsan.

After morning prayer, followed by the welcoming of Fr. Pietro and the presentation of the program, the morning of the 18th was devoted to the analysis of the situation of the Country and of each of the participants. The day ended with the celebration of the Eucharist.

On the following day it was discussed the second issue, namely, the pastoral dimension.

Ongoing Formation

From October 19 to 25 at the Diocesan Centre for Ongoing Formation in Doba, 25 confreres from 18 nationalities gathered to draw, once again, from the source and reason of their consecration, namely the Rule of Life of the Comboni Missionaries. In fact, this formation session had as its theme “The Rule of Life” and was led by Fr. Fermo Bernasconi who had come from Rome for the occasion.

For five days we meditated on the main points of our Rule of Life such as charism and consecration, community life, the service of evangelization, the historical process of the birth of the Rule of Life and how to make use of it.

Particularly intense moments were the actions and comments of the confreres on various numbers of the Rule of Life and different aspects of mission and community life.

Fr. Pietro Ciuciulla, Fr. Sebastian Jerzy Chmiel, and Fr. Enrique Javier Rosich Vargas.