Monday, December 5, 2016
Bro. Ayih Teko Fafa D. J.-C. Pierre, a Togolese confrere of 33 years of age, has celebrated his perpetual profession in the Comboni Institute last December 3, in the parish church of Christ the King in Kodjoviakope, Lome, Togo. After his first vows in 2010, he has been assigned to the Brothers International Centre (BIC) in Nairobi, Kenya. In 2014 he was assigned to Lomin mission (Kajo Kaji), in South Sudan, where he works in pastoral ministry and as a carpenter at the “Carpentry Workshop.”

The celebration of the Eucharist was presided by Father Jerome Miante, provincial superior of the Togo-Ghana-Benin province, and concelebrated by several confreres and diocesan priests. Family, friends and the Christian community joined in prayer to praise the Lord for the missionary “yes” of Bro. Pierre: a “yes” for life among the poorest of South Sudan, where he has committed himself for some years now.

Fr. Jerome, starting from the Word of God – it was the feast day of St. Francis Xavier, the patron saint of the Missions –, stressed “the wonders that the Lord continues to work with the proclamation of the gospel through concrete people like Pierre, despite our fragility and weaknesses. Bro. Pierre has already experienced the harshness of war, the destruction of the mission, the suffering of the people, but what he has experienced did not discourage him, on the contrary, his vocation has been consolidated through the gift of himself for life.”

The feast of the consecration of Bro. Pierre was a beautiful testimony to Kodjoviakope mission, the first mission in Togo of the Comboni missionaries who arrived in the Country in 1964.

Fr. Girolamo Miante and Bro. Ayih Teko Fafa D. J.-C. Pierre.