Friday, March 17, 2017
On March 7-14 the Comboni Missionaries working in evangelization and mission promotion in Europe (Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Poland, Germany and Austria) met at the Comboni house in Maia, northern Portugal. The 30 participants, including a representative from each branch of the Comboni Family (sisters, lay people, secular missionaries) reflected on the theme “The Comboni Mission in Europe,” starting from the 2015 Chapter Acts, #46.1: “It is no longer sufficient to think of the European continent as a territory where we should only do mission and vocation promotion,” but, the Chapter states by quoting the Apostolic Exhortation The Joy of the Gospel of pope Francis (#20), even in Europe we are called to have “the courage to reach out to all peripheries that need the light of the Gospel.”

The activities began with a presentation of the conclusions of the last mission assembly (Pesaro 2012). The evaluation of the progress made during these years shows the difficulties encountered in the realization of three projects at European level: the European media center, the spirituality center of Limone and the community dedicated to migrants. This was followed by the reports from the circumscriptions and the concluding remarks by Fr. Franz Weber that shed a positive light on what is already being done at the European level in line with the Joy of the Gospel.

The second day was given entirely to the European reality with the help of Prof. Eduardo Duque – “Today’s Europe: changes and challenges” – and Isabel Varanda – “Rethinking mission in Europe based on The Joy of the Gospel” – of the Catholic University of Portugal, Braga Regional Branch. It was stressed that, in a Europe which will become increasingly multicultural, different values and religions will come face to face, within a strong context of progressive secularization. In a post-modern environment the prophecy and the joy of the Gospel must cause the emergence of truth and of the meaning of life and of history in the light of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The failure of the thesis that science and technology, as well as the values of “comfort and esthetics” would have brought full happiness to the human species is giving way to a new era which attempts to answer the experience frustration and emptiness, to the point that we are beginning to define the 21st century as “the century of spirituality” in which the search for the meaning of life no longer comes from the outside but from the depth of the human person. It is a good starting point for evangelization.

On March 10 and 11, the assembly was divided into two groups according to topics – mission animation and evangelization; migration and JPIC; Comboni parishes; cooperation within the Comboni family – with the intent of sharing experiences, explore challenges, and finding concrete answers. Out of the proposals that emerged, three were evaluated in greater depth: the renewed proposal to set up a European media center, the creation of a European forum for the sharing of information and experiences on migration, and the creation of a European secretariat on mission.

On Sunday morning the members of the assembly celebrated Mass with the faithful of the the local parish of Our Lady of Maia and, in the afternoon, they visited Oporto on the River Douro.
Monday morning, the last day, was given to Fr. Arlindo Pinto, who presented the Statute of the new General Secretariat of Mission, one of the decisions of the General Chapter of 2015 (#64 and 68), and to the representatives of the Comboni Family. Mention was also made of the activity of the European Group of Theological Reflection (GERT) and of the Limone Symposiums. Finally, in the evaluation of the Assembly, the richness of the sharing of the activities involving each Comboni province and the will to unite the efforts and to work on common projects at European level were highlighted.

The Assembly ended with the concelebration of the Eucharist presided over by Bishop Antonio Francisco dos Santos of Oporto. Referring to the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the institute and the 70 year presence in Portugal, he said: “You must continue to keep alive the charism of your founder, St. Daniel Comboni, with courage and a prophetic spirit, using the language of the heart and living with wonderment and joy the mission that has been entrusted to us, including in the diocese of Oporto.” He also expressed his gratitude for the friendship and the witness of all the Comboni missionaries he has known in his own land, in Paris, Braga, Aveiro and now in the diocese of Oporto.