Saturday, April 2, 2022
Ethiopia celebrated its XXXIV Provincial Assembly in Hawassa from March 29 to 31. The gathering started with an ongoing formation theme on Synodality presented by Abba Juan Antonio González Núñez, Hawassa apostolic administrator, and a report from the provincial superior.

Abba Tesfaye Tadesse – who came to Ethiopia to visit the war troubled Gumuz area and its MCCJ community – spoke about the life of the Institute, its journey towards the XIX General Chapter and the upcoming provincial election process. Three missionaries shared their experience among the Sidama, Guji and Gumuz peoples. The first day concluded with an informal session about the institute led by the Superior General.

Day two was dedicated to the reports and their discussion from the provincial bursar and the secretaries of formation and ongoing formation and vocation promotion and missionary animation. The 16 participants got acquainted with the draft statutes from the Comboni Youth Cultural Centre, which they discussed in detail during the last day’s morning works.

Abba Juan Núñez presented the situation of the Hawassa Vicariate and Sr. Veronica Mburu, Comboni Missionary Sisters’ Provincial superior, spoke about her province and its projects. The day concluded with a social evening celebrating the jubilees of three missionaries.

The annual assembly was closed with the Eucharist presided by Abba Sixtus Agostini, provincial superior.