Roma, mercoledì 29 febbraio 2012
Il quinto incontro della Commissione della Ratio Missionis ha avuto luogo nella Casa Generalizia ieri, 28 febbraio 2012. C’erano presenti: P. Antonio Villarino, referente dell’evangelizzazione per il Consiglio Generale; e i padri Mariano Tibaldo, John Baptist Opargiw, Jorge Garcia, e Massimo Robol.


The commission of the RM is made up of Fr. Mariano Tibaldo, General secretary for the Evangelisation, Fr. John Baptist K. Opargiw, General secretary of Basic Formation, Fr. Jorge García Castillo, General secretary of Ion Going Formation and Fr. Massimo Robol former Provincial of Mozambique. Present at the meeting, Fr. Antonio Villarino in charge of Evangelisation for the GC.

Missionari Comboniani
Via Luigi Lilio, 80
00142 Roma (Italia)


5th meeting on the Ratio Missionis: 28/2/2012

Present: Fr. Mariano  Tibaldo, General secretary for the Evangelisation, Fr.  John Baptist K. Opargiw, General secretary of Basic Formation,  Fr. Jorge García Castillo, General secretary of Ion Going Formation and Fr. Massimo Robol former Provincial of Mozambique. Present at the meeting, Fr. Antonio Villarino in charge of Evangelisation for the GC.

The commission met today to share some opinions on the works of the RM.

We have decided to add a second document to the first one that was presenting the opinions of the confreres compiled according to specific criteria.  The second document offers the theological and the methodological interpretation of the confreres’ opinions. The document of the RM will be divided into two parts.

The committee made some suggestions of methods and contents on the second document:

- That the conclusion to the second document be changed into a more positive statement.

- To facilitate the reading of the document, the parts in which it is divided must be broken into shorter sections with appropriate titles. Fr. Massimo will do that.

- Give the parts a more challenging layout.

- Fr. Mariano will be take charge to add some comments at the conclusions of the document on the difference between the ideal presented (the missionary as a man of dialogue, reconciliation, etc.) and the practice. He will also note that this document should be used to stimulate personal, provincial and community study.

- It is also important to add some questions to help in personal study. This too will be the task of fr. Mariano.

- In the second document will be hints of the. Fr. Jorge will add some issues on the last European Assembly at Pesaro.

- The cover of the document may take the following title: Ratio Missionis: experience and reflection.

- When the document (first and second part) will be completed, fr. Mariano will give it to Fr. G.B. Antonini to review its grammar and syntax, and then it will be sent to the General Council. Finally, the document will be printed in a booklet form in a limited number of copies to be submitted to the September 2012intercapitular assembly.

Fr. Mariano Tibaldo