Thursday, March 14, 2019
For the Institute of the Comboni Missionaries, 2019 is a year dedicated to reflections on interculturality. For this reason the Lenten Lectures, something we started in 2015, will have as a specific theme the living together and the integration among people of different religions and cultures. The general heading will be “Peoples on the Move” and the purpose will be to reflect on the challenge of living together, but also to offer successful experiences in the school and in the parish environment.

The first lecture, scheduled for March 14 will be titled “Migrations and the challenges of living together”, and will be given by the president of the Astalli Center in Rome, Fr. Camillo Ripamonti, sj. The second event, scheduled for March 28, will center on the challenges of living together among people of different cultures and religions in school. The lecturer will be Prof. Pierluigi Bartolomeo, principal of Elis technical school in Rome. Fr. Claudio Santoro, associate pastor of St. Barbara in Rome, will speak on April 14 on the challenges of living together in the parish environment.

In today’s Italy, shaken by racist clashes and by the refusal of ‘those who are different from us’, it seemed to us to be important to present positive experiences of living together and of integration. In fact, faced with peoples on the move, the challenge of the future will be to accept, protect, promote and integrate the migrants – as Pope Francis stresses – without forgetting the fears of those who are doing the welcoming. To mediate these two reality is the duty of the body politic and of many organizations in civil society.